Tips on Drinking Fresh Wheatgrass Juice

1. Choose a certified Organic Wheatgrass, like Andi’s Way. Click here to order.

2. Juice with a juicer specifically designed to juice Wheatgrass, (slow single auger masticating juicer). To order a Wheatgrass juicer, Click here.

3. For best results, drink freshly squeezed Organic Wheatgrass juice on an empty stomach.

4. Drink 20 mins before eating or drinking or 1 hr after eating.

5. We recommend drinking 2 oz shots of fresh Wheatgrass juice once or twice daily.

6. For best results, drink Organic Wheatgrass juice immediately after juicing it. 

7. You May mix the Wheatgrass with lemon or ginger (avoid mixing Wheatgrass juice with sugary fruit/vegetable juices)

8. Swish the juice around in your mouth for 15-30 seconds. This helps mix digestive enzymes with your juice and helps with any gum issues you may have.